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2002012895716238 - 1115686358974599821

>>>>>[ Nice weekend. Me and the Droid-ette and some firendimos caught wind of something unnatural exerting it's sigularity upon the ohio river, and went to investigate. Mothman they called it. Original plan was to hunt some werewolves but we got sidetracked.]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Arrived in point plesant around dusk, got something to eat at a diner and and were preparing to head further into the hills when we realized that our drop ship had taken off without us. That fucker Cole, playing a practical joke we gathered.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Turns out later hat he recieved a cease and desist issue from home base and pulled out. Alpha base swears they ever issued the order. Dropship came back on autopilot, Cole has yet to revive form the coma. Further medical tests note that he has suffered a massive brain hemmorhage. He'll be lucky to look up on the blue skies of this planet again.]<<<<<

>>>>>[So we take alook around this point plesant. Residents are typical country folk, human genepoll over 95% of the population wth the expected levels of mutation, likely form the chemical and power plants upriver. Town sits on the Ohio river, border of West Virginia and Ohio, south east of the desolation of Columbus, southwest of The Pitt.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Talked with the local sheriff, she states that wierd shit's been going down around town and deputizes us as her malitia to hunt this thing they been calling "Mothman"... ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Yeah, so we al saw the mothman prophecies this weekend. Fun movie, would reccomend it to all of you, much better than the reviewers are giving it credit for. Richard Gere (all the ladies fawn) and a bunch of others, including a stellar performance by Will patton. Do yourself a favor, and go check it out. A fun movie all around.]<<<<<

>>>>>[ All for now. ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Gunhead ]<<<<<

<<<<< | >>>>>

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