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Behind Enemy Line

God Is Near

Meat Show

Leave Your Mark

20020125078655486669235 - 13:08:17:55:99614

>>>>>[Been while, eh? Ya miss me? I didn;t think so. But I'm sure you find this as a suprise...]<<<<<

>>>>>[So I've been thinking of joining the internet realestate club recently. Me and my Astro driod-ette, picking up our proverbial 40mgs and a M.U.L.E. unit to help us tend the cyber-crops and the dilithium fields. It's a rather barren place I've been looking at, putting our remote sensor arrays and spy-bots to check out the neighbors.]<<<<<

>>>>>[We'll see about this one, the guy down the line is untrustworthy. All manner of folk going in and out of his house, all hours, 'cept daylight. And the electromagnetic interference, fuckin up the drop relays for miles and miles. And it all points to his domain... We'll see about him, nothin but trouble I'd wager. I'd also wager that the company will want me to investigate, which means inevitabley, the garden will be late this year... ]<<<<<

>>>>>[But we can pray to the potential, as it looks as if The Vatican is hitting the search engines, lookin for our blessed saint of these hallowed halls.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Yeah so we'll see if we can't explore this fasination with communication a bit further and invest a hairsbreadth in the Vast dark sea we call home.]<<<<<

>>>>>[God Bless the internet.]<<<<<


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