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200201285546398872196900 - 1332075866489927152305

>>>>>[Friday I went up to our co-location for the website, to install some new equipment in a new rackspace we recently aquired. Went up with one of my superiors. Was a long a dran out ride. We sat in silence for a while and then she asked, tenatively almost like she was dipping her foot into a vast dark sea, "so what would you do, if you could do anything?"]<<<<<

>>>>>[I hate this question.]<<<<<

>>>>>[My response was poorly stated. "I have a hard time answering that question, because there is so much that I want to do. I want to do things that are impossible right now in history; I want to explore new planets and colonize them. I want to see the world. I want to raise a family and create art. And sometimes I want to just be with friends and family, make food and share in each other's company."]<<<<<

>>>>>[So what does one do, when they are inundated (sp?) with potential, when they are dwarfed by options? How can anyone rationalize the infinite possibilites that are out there?]<<<<<

>>>>>[Perhaps more importantly, how can anyone in their right mind be satisfied with he repetition of mindless drudgery that encompasses so much of the workforce in the free and not so free world? How can people stand to be stuck in the same position for the rest of their working lives? I mean, what next? I see it everyday with the company I work for; people come to work, sit informt of their cathode ray emitters and bask in the cold blue light of mind-numbing drudgery and repetition. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!]<<<<<

>>>>>[ I made a list of some, just some of the things I'd like to do:

I want to explore the world.

I want to see all 7 continents.

Sail the seas and oceans.

I want to scuba dive with hammer heads

Play with dolphins

Watch manatees frolic.

Explore the bottom of the marianas trench

Look around from the peak of K-12

Visit a Nepalese monastary

See the Sahara,

the 7 wonders of the world

Walk on the moon

Orbit the earth

have sex in zero g

Colonize mars

I want to make art

I want to learn how hybrid engines work

I want to explore and learn and come to grips with the enormity of existence.

I Want to talk with the president

but I don't want to be the president

I want to help further technology

and civilization

I want have a family

to raise children, to progenerate my genes

I want to teach others.]<<<<<

>>>>>[and I want to never stop learning.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Is it so wrong to want to do so much? Many would tell me that you need to pick a few and focus on them and work towards those goals.]<<<<<

>>>>>[But I can't do that. I can't just pick a few and then forget the rest. There's too much out there that is utterly fascinating to me. Shit, I've never been to Europe, let alone to Japan (where I would be a veritable giant among men), or Madagascar. I mean, aren't you curious as to what excatly is in Madagascar? Not the least bit?]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Yeah, So I guess, after a weekend's reflection on the question I have come up with an answer: I want to do EVERTHING.]<<<<<

>>>>>>[So Go Fuck your goals, and yourself.]<<<<<


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