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2002-04-26 - 1:36 p.m.

>>>>>[So my new office area is on the east side of the building on the upper floor. Though it's by window, it gets full sun pretty much all day. Because of this it gets very warm. Sleepy warm like. And guess what an overweight, 6'5" behemoth like myself does? I either sweat, or ask the facilities manager to turn on the air conditioning.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Problem is, there's a bunch of whining little bitches that sit in the area. Can you guess what happens? B1 comes back from lunch. "IT'S SO COLD" she announces in her ultra-Bitch screech, a wailing, piercing, nearly screaming voice.]<<<<<

>>>>>["It's not cold, it's comfortable," I say, politely and calmly.]<<<<<

>>>>>["IT'S SO COLD," Again in the piercing, screech.]<<<<<

>>>>>["It's really not that cold. I'm quite comfortable."]<<<<<


>>>>>["Well, yes, I think it is, it's nearly summer." I'm thinking about shish-kabobbing her eyes at this point, hoping the force with which I would shove the skewers in would leave her a drooling vegetable barely able to keep her heart beating and breath moving. I'm salivating over the squelching sound her eyes will make as they release their vitreous humor in an orgiastic explosion of blood and jelly. Anything to get her to stop this incessant whining and bitching. Just shut the fuck up and put on a sweater you selfish cunt.]<<<<<

>>>>>["IT'S SO COLD".]<<<<<

>>>>>[At this point I calmly begin to ignore her and pray that the facilities manager likes me more b/c I don't bitch and whine and complain... We shall see, no? ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ All for now. ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Gunhead ]<<<<<

<<<<< | >>>>>

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