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2002-05-03 - 4:52 p.m.

>>>>>[ Yeah, been sitting on this one for a week, didn't know it at the time but there you have it no? Goes something about psychedelic star-child size like this: ]<<<<<

>>>>>[Did you see it? Did you tremble and cry as she loped across the screen, and she braced and trundled and slipped across the hull of the other? Did you gasp in the silence and wailof the pilot when the ships ran asunder? did you laugh with the crew and cry as they shared vows and pastels and vaseline covered filters? Did your heartstrings tug, lost in the thrum of the cool cathode glow, when she left him and they fell away lost in the universe? ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Didn't realize i was sitting on it till it burst forth like an ejaculate form the cortex. Somtimes I even suprise myself, no? ]<<<<<

>>>>>[It's referring to this. Well it seems that the new begin in june. Will have to wait on those, but in the meantime there's Peter Parker and the continuing story of how he came to hunt the Jedi]<<<<<

>>>>>[ The Web Slinger I'll see tonight, and John Crighton will just have to sit in his pod for month or so I guess. Dman that would suck, but then again if you know about it already, the I suspect you had a good laugh like me...]<<<<<

>>>>>[All for now, Gunhead out]<<<<<

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