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2000.8.31 - 23:99

>>>>>[ Access Entry Code Confirmed ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Sometimes, you just have to look at the world in wonder and chuckle a little to yourself. Case in point: This entry. Well it seems that I've developed a bit of a fan base. It seems that in the few months this llittle slice of cybernetic life has been out there on the web, I of all people have groupies.

>>>>>[ Twice this week I've gotten a stern talking to from friends about your favorite Genocide Droid's lack of punctual updating. I find this rather amusing. Firstly that I've got fans, but secondly that they would give two squirts of american urine to hear what I have to say. I mean come on people, I'm a proverbial boil on the ass of society. A genuine rabble rouser. A regular Judas to 'those who want to get things done' in society.

>>>>>[ So, I'm typing this out as my eyelids get heavier and my power plant starts to settle into recharge mode.

>>>>>[ So I'm going to go because a wall of sleep just rolled over me and now it's all a battle to see whether I can resist the cool embrace of blanket land, or if I will succumb to the Cornel Snoresalot and his minions of comfy restfulness...

>>>>>[ And as of now I'm raising the white flag of surrender in favor of the cornel's better pay and more copmfortable sleeping arrangements.

>>>>>[ Ok. Good night. And quit yer bitchin about updates you scally-wags.

>>>>>[ Good night you bastards.]<<<<<

>>>>>[ End transmission ]<<<<<

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