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2000.08.31 - 11:55

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>>>>>[ Droid, or AstroDroid? So yeah, I�m now sane and well rested. A good nights Recharge can do wonders for the fleshy-bits still left in this anodized steel body. Today I woke happy and full of spirit. I stepped out to have a morning smoke into the unbridled glory of a raging inferno ball screaming down at me from the blasted heavens. The Rays of the sun scorched through my circuitry and burned out my eyes, leaving only a smoking ruin as I let forth a little yelp of pain and anguish. I Stumbled backward into the house as if pummeled in the gut by a two by four, with one thought alone seared into my retinas � Sunglasses!

>>>>>[ I was unprepared for the onslaught of morning, to say the least. However, I was able to recover and engage the raging inferno ball. We glowered at each other and settled into a comfortable silence, calmly ignoring each other, and I began to think about the heat.

>>>>>[ It�s been hot. Recently, it�s been wicked hot. Now everyone is talking about global warming, and ozone depletion and the shrinkage of the polar Ice caps. Stop using hairspray, quit burning petroleum fuels, Don�t smoke, Don�t drink, Don�t laugh, and for the love of God, Don�t talk. Everyone�s freaking out, wasting time and energy worrying about some crack assed shite that may or may not have any effect on the world ecology.

>>>>>[Personally, I think that the earth�s orbit is simply decaying. Yup, this starship Gaia, that�s spinning around the sun, is slowly turning closer and closer to the sun itself and will eventually be swallowed by this massive Inferno Ball.

>>>>>[ Makes me think of the episode of the Tick where an alien race nabs the tick and Arthur to help them against this amazing and terrible alien artifact called the infinity ball. Brilliant, mind you in that the Infinity ball is racing towards the earth at unimaginable speed (it passed plaid years ago). Well the tick once again saves the day by grabbing the Infinity ball and turning it sideways, reducing this incredibly destructive, unknown, unresearched object, this virtual Pandora�s box of nastiness, to something harmless and commonplace. He destroys it by giving it a name and as such isolating the possibility matrix to one functional aspect of the ball.

>>>>>[ Brings me to something I Was trying to explain to Jordan�s mother over the weekend. I told her that I used to want to be a knight, or born in the middle ages. Since then I�ve realized that there isn�t anything that compares to the here and now. We are living in the most amazing times thus far known to man. So I had said this and Jordan�s mom said that she wished she had been alive during pioneer times. I disagree with that.

>>>>>[ I saw Princess Mononoke this past fall. Beautiful movie mind you, definitely worth seeing. Well, part of the beauty of this movie is that it takes some rather numinous and ideological people/places/things and gives them a physical representation. There are gods in the forest that are incarnate, physical beings. The boar god is a frightening thing: Huge, close to 30 feet tall at the shoulder and seething with an ancient knowledge. I believe that entities like this have walked the earth before. I believe that there were many pioneers that came face to face with them. Not something I�d like to be forced to do. Technology wasn�t advanced enough to make a lasting defense against them so humanity was forced to kill these gods through other, slower means. Things like removing the thing which gave them power�the forest. With the advent of industrial momentum and the spirit of conquest so richly ingrained in the American explorer, I think we slowly strangled these magnificent beings by cutting down the trees and making the forest more familiar, more our home.

>>>>>[ Question then becomes, if gods are dependent on 1) their surroundings and 2) the general mystique of the unknown, what sort of small gods are beginning to pop up in cyberspace due to the stupid user�s latent unknowing and inherent fear of that which they do not understand?

>>>>>[ Having problems with Gremlins in your PC? Does it really surprise you? Yeah well, good luck there Kemosabe. Looks like you�re fucked.

>>>>>[ Ahhh, sweet revenge�]<<<<<

>>>>>[ End Transmission ]<<<<<

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