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2001.``.54.687.885.43.69 - 12:41:23:23:5

>>>>>[Intercept Transmission 7a009GH43b100.J7R249q]<<<<<




>>>>>[Recipient <*****>:Sender <*****>]<<<<<

>>>>>[Here's the kicker <*****>--you stated you wanted to stay away from Tech stocks, then go on to mention that you're looking at Sun (micro)systems. Honey, This sun refers to neither the chain of appliance/electronic stores, nor the Giant Orbital Solar-energy farm currently en-route to the sun... It's tech, as much as Cisco and Microsoft.]<<<<<

>>>>>[A couple of things ran across my frontal lobe as I read your post. Here's what I came up with: ]<<<<<

>>>>>[1) I'd stay away from Nintendo, especially if you're basing your decision on how much a few little kids like the gaming system. Not that I'm a stock guru, I'm just a worker ant in the great sea of tech jobs. But something tells me that a child's fascination with a toy is not the best gauge of market strength.]<<<<<

>>>>>[2) You might want to reconsider your non-tech stance. Our society is to firmly meshed with technology. This being the case, you ARE going to see tech stocks come back, and I'd venture to say sooner than later. So the Dot-com bubble popped, big deal. What do you expect when you've got a large portion of the market investing in companies that have NO PRODUCT. Of course it's going to collapse. But the good news (aside from the whole He is risen malarkey) is that tech's gonna come back. read the other day that though there are layoffs happening, there's still a national deficit in tech jobs nearing the 600,000 mark. Means there's a hell of a demand still out there, just not in the dot-coms. (Though this is pretty contrary to my advice,) Keep an eye on <*****><*****>, they are looking at an infusion of funds somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 mil shortly. I suspect they'll go public this year.]<<<<<

>>>>>[3) Bio-tech/gene-tech/pharmaceuticals. Anything medicine/science/engineering (especially on the cell level) related. With the recent (past 10-15 years) trend in medical strategies (The approach of treat the symptoms, not the problem)--Med/pharmaceutical companies are going to continue to pull in the dough. My own personal opinion is that bio-tech/bio-engineering as a field is going to explode w/in the coming years. It's going to change tech, medicine, and our lives in ways that we can only dream of now. Ever hear of Nano-tech? Sooner than you think kiddies. Organic circuits and computers, yeah, I think we'll be seeing that too. Or at least the predecessors of what all those sci-fi guys dreamed about for so long. Who watches Farscape out there besides me and <*****>?]<<<<<

>>>>>[4) Something else you might want to chew over in your head. Why exactly are you investing? After reading <*****> email which stated: "Also, I would ad a suggestion to check out any company's environmental and animal cruelty record before buying their stock. Or how many 3rd world governments they might have in their pocket (offshore drilling operations, fer instance -- "why...why...why...why...")" I think you've got a good point there <*****>, it's really a nice and cool thing to do, check out the enviro-political agenda of company X,Y, and Z.]<<<<<

>>>>>[But I'd be willing to bet the rest of my salary for the rest of my life, that if you were to do this you'd make significantly less on the market than were you not to do this. Hence my asking, why exactly are you doing this, why exactly are you investing? If you just want to make a lot of $$, then rock on, and fuck the environment, politics, human rights, and the works. It's gonna make you the dough. If you wanna make a nice nest egg for retirement, then get out the socio-political strap-on. If you want to retire at the age of 30, Kick ass, good luck and toss those morals right out the window...]<<<<<

>>>>>[Just seems to me that it's going to be rather hard to make some serious cash on the stock market if you take these things into consideration when looking at purchases. And it also seems to me that the primary purpose of the stock market is to make as much money as you can as quickly as you're able.]<<<<<

>>>>>[But I've gone no longer than I planned, and I'm sure I've out-stayed my welcome. Be well all and good luck <*****>. By the way my fee is .03% on your tech stocks, from now until the end of time...]<<<<<

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