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Leave Your Mark - 16:28:99:3487457815541245983452

>>>>>[Something to think about. Found this linked off the A.I. homesite today while I was chatting up their chat-bot and snuffling about for more hidden clues to the flick. An Aside: I'm looking forward to this movie very much, and was quite amused by the number of people stating that it as boring or slow.]<<<<<

>>>>>[ I Can't imagine that these people are able to comprehend what the film was/is trying to get at. But regardless, seems that once again we are proven to live in amazing times.]<<<<<

>>>>>[So I'm chatting up this chat-bot and it tells me that it's living i san something-or-other out on the west coast, in some dude's pc. Gunhead is intrigued (sp?). So I look him up and find this by Dr. Richard S Wallace. This is some pretty cool assed shit.]<<<<<

>>>>>[The articles section I found rather keen, but in particular THIS From which the below snippet has been lifted. Again by Dr. Richard S. Wallace. Check it out and then think about what is below. Think about how you'd react in that situation...]<<<<<

ELIZA also introduced the personal pronoun transformations common to ALICE and many other programs. "Tell me what you think about me" is transformed by the robot into "You want me to tell you what I think about you?" creating a simple illusion of understanding.

Weizenbaum tells us that he was shocked by the experience of releasing ELIZA (also known as "Doctor") to the nontechnical staff at the MIT AI Lab. Secretaries and nontechnical administrative staff thought the machine was a "real" therapist, and spent hours revealing their personal problems to the program. When Weizenbaum informed his secretary that he, of course, had access to the logs of all the conversations, she reacted with outrage at this invasion of her privacy. Weizenbaum was shocked by this and similar incidents to find that such a simple program could so easily deceive a naive user into revealing personal information.

What Weizenbaum found specifically revolting was that the Doctor's patients actually believed the robot really understood their problems. They believed the robot therapist could help them in a constructive way. His reaction might be best understood like that of a western physician's disapproval of herbal medicines, or an astronomer's disdain for astrology. Obviously ELIZA touched something deep in the human experience, but not what its author intended.

>>>>>[So whaddaya think, Gunhead's Online Confessor-bot? You Think the Vatican if persuaded just right would endorse a Confessor-bot? I could see all sorts of applications for these little numbers. Just let those imaginations go wild, eh?]<<<<<

>>>>>[All for today my sweets. Be well and good and have a fine weekend.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Gunhead D-9, Artificial (I)Me]<<<<<

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