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2002-04-10 - 4:56 p.m.

>>>>>[ Somethings to ponder ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Today is the tenth of April, 2002. ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ 24 years ago, a movie called Dawn of the Dead opened in these united states. Perhaps one of the most chilling and telling tales of human desperation, as our hapless heroes are trapped in a giant shopping mall when zombies start to walk the earth, consuming human brains and flesh. A true zombie classic, wherein these last few surviviors are entrenched in what was at that time, a viable paradise -- free reign over all the mall had to offer, all stores in one place, truly one would never need to leave. With such telling commentarry as "Why are they [the zombies] coming here of all places, to a shopping mall?" "Well, perhaps it's because it is familliar, it is all that they know."]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Gives a new light to the Kevin Smith Opus, Mallrats, eh? ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Also of note, today is someone's birthday. The Venerable Max Von Sydow turns Seventy Three today. You may remember him form the Exorcist, or perhaps even the truly AWESOME movie, Conan the Barbarian...]<<<<<

>>>>>[ So light a candle, have some cake and barricade the doors and windows. And Remember; You can make a pretty solid case that Jesus was a zombie too... ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Rock well ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ -head ]<<<<<

<<<<< | >>>>>

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