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2000.06.15 - 1.10am

>>>>>[Access Entry Code Confirmed.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Greetings, and fuck-all.

>>>>>[ And so it Begins. I've fallen poery to something here. I sit, nearly naked, in a less than sweltering heat, sometime in the pre-dawn haze of remembering. I've had a smoke, I've had a drink, and now it's time for me to rationalize this poker-faced behemoth sitting across from me, grinning from eaar to ear in this Las Vegas Dressing room.

>>>>>[ Sometime today something inside me coalesced. I've been working this thing, this behemoth for a while now. Sometimes it seems like lifetimes, sometimes--mere seconds, but somehow it all comes back to this same confrontation: Me--a little pensive, wearing a face as if I can't quite squeeze out that last turd, and it, the bastard grinning ear to ear. But enough of the here and now. This is my chance to indulge, to let all the creative semen ejaculate across the pretty, welcoming, and smiling face of the internet. I mean shit people, this really is nothing more than an exercise in cerebral masturbation.

>>>>>[...or it is really?

>>>>>[ So I've told this story a thousand and four times/. So in that I'm going to paraphrase and hit some points that stand out. More in depth telling of it later, I promise. At least most liekly, drop me a line if you really want it. it suffice to say that I've been enticed by computers for a long time. 4th grade to tell the truth, that's when it all started for me, Summer of '81 and I was all of less than 10. Parents enrolled me in a suimmer camp/workshop where we learned Atari Basic and we bmade silly things like stock tickers and color patterns and blinkyt things. You might remember the times. Ronnie Regan had just taken the presidency, My family had just moved, Alien was shown on Television, The American south was recoiling in shock from the Sex Pistols, Skyl;ab had fallen, and the spaceshuttle was going up with parades and fanfares.

>>>>>[No-one had dreamed of what the internet would be, a fellow by the name of William Gibson was letting some ideas coalesce in his head, People were driving RVs (gas was reasonable again) the Arms Race was on, We still had an enemy (Pinko Bastards and all that shite), We all watched Miami Vice and Knight Rider and Manimal on Friday nights, Cancer was rampant, Homo-sexuals were the only people who would ever get aids, and I was still terrified of skeletons to the point where I would hide under my bedcovers at night. And somewhere, out on the west coast, a handful of young men were frolicking in the land of Rape and Honey, breeding a dream of an easier way of life.

>>>>>[I am creative. Was then too (and that's all true), and as such I drew and colored and looked forward to art class. School bored me. Should've probably been on Ritalin, but that's another rant entirely mind you. So I daydreamed a lot. Something I still enjoy quite a bit. Slacker, right? Fuck you. Least I got the stones to make something pretty. So there I was growing up in the midde of a retirement community called Mt. Vermin, looking for something better. I new it was out there, but what I didn't know was that it was growing, real slow-like.

>>>>>[College. Women. Liquor. Drugs. Rock and Roll. More Women. More Drugs. No more College. Sound Familliar? It's a joke, jackass. I dropped out for a bit but I kept hearing these whispers about a network, a communication net that allowed colleges to tralk back and forth in computer labs. I pursued this before leaving school and worked for the ICS dept at school. Learned about gopher and IRC and Chatrooms. Saw friends get sucked in and live in an ASCII text world by the cold green glow of their monitors. Heard about this new fad; Cyber-sex. Watched people write porn to each other, the young, pretty, ego-centric rich girl get really turned on (Had to go to the bathroom and cool off) by the fat kid with the coke bottle glasses that never showered. Whole time they were across the computer lab fromk each other, he to afraisd to talk to her, she to afraid to give him the time of day. Saw people lose themselves ion online personas, and heard about people getting married on-line. Sounds a little negative? Open your mind ape, what you're not seeing is that though a small amount of people used this network for these 'extracarricular' activities, Colleges and kids around the nation, IF NOT WORLD were learning harder and faster than any teacher could show them. The results were unfathomable.

>>>>>[The 90's saw the beginning of a Tech-boom that will go down in history. Hasn't let up yet. Sure, there's the mythical Microsoft Court case. Janet Reno: Sasquatch or de-formed Troll? She can suck my big fat hairy schlong. But again, another rant for another time. But Technology, and the brain power of humanity has advance incredibly. And this brings me about to my point.

>>>>>[The thing that motivated me back in '81 was the sheer, un-bridled power of the computer. The internet allows it, and humanity proves it. We as a race have created the first, truly advanced tool. And with this, suddenly I have, in my hands, the tool to allow me a forum and a place to put my thoughts for anyone who wants to see. We did this, and now it's time I quit bitching and make something with it.

>>>>>[So like I said, here I am in a Las Vegas Dressing room staring down this Gigantosaurus of my own fears. Do I write? Do I scream? Do I turn away and busy myself with something else? No, I write around the problem until I can't do anbything except bury a sledgehammer in the pudgy bastard's thick and apeish skull.

>>>>>[So yeah, I sit and I write about it, and come to terms with the fact that I always wanted a diary, and I always wanted a sounding board. So why not blend the two on Frappe?

>>>>>[That's all for now. Late and I've gotta get up early tomorrow, go to the slaughterhouse and hammer the bovines. Yeah, so I'll leave you with this. Shit don't last long enough to keep secrets. Tell your story, scream it out to anyone who'll listen. If someone dosen't like it, tell 'em to go read a book, like Clifford the Big Red Dog.

>>>>>[End Transmission]<<<<<

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